Saturday, September 22, 2012

Real-time 3D CAD software control via webcam

Screen shot of CAD software (LIMIT) controlled via webcam
In order to control the CAD software LIMIT via webcam, I created a python plugin allowing viewport manipulation (pan, zoom) via webcam. The webcam detects a specific color (red) on the webcam image and calculates relative position within the webcam window. The relative position is then applied to the CAD viewport's world matrix which is relevant for object position calculation.
A demo video how the webcam control application works can be found here:



  1. That is really cool. I have watched the video and I think you might be also interested with this tool: 3D CAD software

  2. Incredible! This can be amazing. It can help to proficiently design and style far more. It's wonderful!

    3D CAD Software
